“To instill in others that cross our path—that with persistence, perseverance, unwavering commitment and the love of God; nothing is impossible to those who believe!” Stan Pophal, Foxx Legacy

Frank Provenzano & Rodger Hill share with us the amazing transformations unfolding in lives thanks to Foxx Legacy which began in 1901 with the four young Fromm brothers and their dream “to raise the world’s most beautiful Silver Fox and commercially cultivate the finest Ginseng ever.” To capitalize their fox operation, the brothers pioneered the domestic ginseng farming industry and ultimately became the world’s largest producer of ginseng in the early 1900’s.

Fromm Laboratories invested millions to develop and refine biomedical technologies that propelled the brothers into the international spotlight.

Among these breakthroughs are the Distemper and Encephalitis vaccine as well as the solution for Heartworms which have saved the lives of cats and dogs all over the world.

The Fromm brothers became known as “compassionate capitalists,” helping many during the depression, protecting them from losing homes and farms.

Now they are offering brand new anti-aging and health solutions for pets and people that work on the cellular level.

Their research in nanotechnology delivery systems and solutions for cellular mitochondrial dysfunction has led to a brand new anti-aging product line for pets and people of all ages.

Foxx Legacy offers a “Micro-Franchise” business opportunity free to join that offers big discounts on products; and makes it easy to make money. No cost, simple & NO RISK! Go to FoxxLegacy.com/EarthAidNow & click products.