The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is “the power of pause.” Kimi shares about the impact of taking a mini vacation right before the end of the school year and she provides listeners with her perspective of the 3 benefits of experiencing a mental shift to allow yourself to pause:

1. Prevent burnout and reduce stress – There is a tendency in our society to just keep going at unsustainable speeds and never need to take a breather. This can happen in your home life, your work life, your fitness pursuits, or other areas of your life, but it is crucial to listen to your body when it says you need a break. By stepping away for a few hours or days, you allow yourself to clear your mind and get centered before jumping back in.

2. Increase productivity and mental focus – Give yourself some time to get away from expectations, obligations, and supposed requirements and allow your brain and body to recharge. By abiding by these rest boundaries, you will be able to come back to the “real world” sharper and ready to get back to work.

3. Better relationships – Your relationships with yourself and others will be healthier, happier, more relaxed, and overall refreshed after some time away. When you are centered and rested, this will spill over into the world around you, just like when you are not centered and rested, you tend to blow up on those around you.

You might not have the time or resources to go on a vacation, but you know what you could do to press “pause.” Unplug from your phone one day per week, prioritize exercising every day, spend a weekend at a friend’s house, set up a hammock in your backyard and stay there all afternoon. Make the best version of yourself a priority!

Topics Covered in this Episode:
• Mindset shifts
• Preventing burnout
• Increasing productivity
• Best version of yourself