If you have ever struggled with preparing for the unknown, this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is for you. It can be difficult to know how to start something new, so a certain amount of thinking and planning is required, but how do you know when it is time to just jump in with both feet? What if you aren’t ready for that yet?
Kimi walks listeners through the mindset shifts that need to take place in order for you to venture into new territory with resolve and confidence.

1. Chill – Get grounded, be mindful, be self-aware, don’t overthink what is going on, and let go of fear. Instead of thinking about what could go wrong, try to just focus on the step in front of you.

2. Search for your hang-ups – Take a look at your crippling beliefs or behavior patterns and try to dig a little deeper to discover the root of the issue. Perhaps you are hesitant to start something new because of the hurtful words of a friend many years ago that you don’t realize are still affecting you.

3. Resist the urge to over-plan – Over-planning is really just a form of procrastination. It is very necessary to be prepared, but you should avoid analysis paralysis. Spend some time planning out the framework for your long-term and short-term goals, and then get started. Continue the planning process as you go and make tweaks along the way. It will all work out even if you don’t have it planned out down to the minute.

4. Enjoy the journey – Soak in the experiences and the lessons you are learning along the way, noticing new things about yourself as you grow. Be grateful for the opportunities and challenges that are making you into who you want to be.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
• Mindset shifts
• Facing the unknown
• Avoiding analysis paralysis
• Starting something new