On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi gives listeners some tips for sparking motivation despite everything that is still going on in the world and all of the pressures that are so persistent. It is hard to stay focused on your goals or even just your daily tasks, but hopefully these ideas will help:
1.Switch things up – Try working in a new location (even if it is just a different room in your house or with your desk pointed a different direction), a different time of day, or using a new system.
2.Look for connections with others – It is especially important to be intentional about spending time with peers who are working towards the same goals as you are. This can be a source of inspiration and a boost to your morale, giving you a sense of purpose.
3.Find time to unplug – Take screen breaks throughout the day and move your body. Schedule these breaks for yourself and you will undoubtedly see that your productivity actually increases once you commit to unplugging for a few minutes.
4.Find time to do things you enjoy – Even if it looks different than “normal”, give yourself space to do and be. Working on or preparing for your hobbies and favorite activities can provide you with the inspiration you were lacking and give you the push to get to your next mental milestone.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Ignite motivation
•Spark innovation
•Recognize that this is still a stressful time
•You are under a lot of pressure

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