Five Steps To Take When Your Child Is Struggling In School

If you follow us on social media, you have probably noticed recent episodes of the Dysleixic AND UN-Stoppable Daily Dose of Soul Food, discussing, "You know you're a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Mom?"  But what is a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Mom (or Dad)?  Is it someone who never makes mistakes with her child?  Is it someone who always knows the answers to every challenge?  Is it a mom who can easily handle every curveball her child's learning difficulties present?

As I mention in this episode, the answer is "of course, not."  Just as we always say about dyslexic children, succeeding with dyslexia doesn't mean you get over it and ndever hae any other challenges.  It means that you have the inner strength to overcome the challenges and connect with your inner power.

The same for Dyselxic AND UN-Stoppable Parents.  We're not perfect parents who never make any mistakes.  We're parents who believe in our kids and are willing to do whatever it takes to help them.

So are you a Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable Parent?  Let us know by leaving a comment.  And join the conversation on Facebook.

Need some help right now for your struggling reader?  Download our free video series:

Five Steps To Take When Your Child Is Struggling In School