1. Trouble Expressing Ideas

Dyslexia can make it hard to find the right words, develop ideas, and communicate them in a logical, organized way. Your teen might stammer a lot or have trouble finding the right word to say. At school, this can look like difficulty expressing ideas—like making a point or supporting an argument.

2. Struggling With Foreign Language

The same issues that make it hard for kids with dyslexia to read and write in their native language make it even harder to learn a foreign language. High-schoolers with dyslexia might dread the school’s foreign language requirement and feel doomed by it. Your teen may guess at what foreign words mean and how they’re pronounced.

3. Not Getting the Joke

Dyslexia can affect the ability to process all kinds of language. This makes it hard to understand humor and other tricky language. Your child might need someone to explain punch lines, especially when they use puns or have hidden meanings.

4. Trouble Navigating

Kids with dyslexia often struggle with spatial concepts and related things like driving and navigation. Your teen might still confuse left and right. At school, that can look like trouble reading charts and graphs.S

SOURCE: https://www.understood.org/


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