I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but if you believe in the Word of God (the Bible), then you must be willing to accept the truth. The spirits people interact with are entities of different sorts, they aren't your loved ones and every last one of the entities has some type of agenda, and none are up to any good. The more you entertain them, they are getting energy from you while zapping and affecting you and your energy. Spirit boxes, ouija boards, and other tools can open doors/portals and allow you to interact with the spiritual world, which can lead to obsession or deep desire to keep seeking after the spirits, while the entities start to affect your body and mind. It can also lead to possessions and attachments. Those entities aren't your loved ones. The Bible says when we die we are no longer connected to anything of the world. Think of it like this; what sense would it make to live and then die, but be very unhappy in death because you see the things your living loved ones are doing. God specifically made it where when we die, the connection is no longer there. People may not want to accept it or even believe it, but it's in the Bible and it makes sense. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/relatable-life-chronicles--4111164/support.