Custody!  Divorce!  Parenting time!  Money!  Disagreements over children!     


In this Episode 19, Attorney Barry C. Boykin and Attorney Kevin R. Johnson discuss a BIG problem that can gradually overwhelm a divorced Dad and ruin a 2nd marriage.

 It's when a teenager from a previous marriage rebels and clashes with the 'stepmother' (Dad's new wife) and causes absolute chaos that can roar through Dad's new household.

While issuing warnings about these problems, Kevin and Barry also offer hope and guidance -- designed to prevent this 2nd-marriage-meltdown or to reverse it before it's too late!

From their perspective as Chicago attorneys, Barry and Kevin attempt to bring hope and clarity to a troubled world, where lawyers, judges and other professionals see the best and worst of human behavior on public display.     

Tyler Illinois e-filing instructional video:

Clerk's E-filing portal
              E-filing portal

CARPLS - legal resources

Illinois Legal Aid Online

COVID-19 Court Orders
             COVID 19 Orders

Domestic-Relations Judge 'Zoom' List
             Judge 'Zoom' Lists


Who we are:

Attorney Kevin R. Johnson - WWW. DIVORCE.NU   

Attorney Barry C. Boykin -