Sounding like you know what you are talking about is as easy as admitting when you don't know what you're talking about.


When people ask, “What are some tools to be more confident?,” this is typically a question of an external tool.  All of the tactics to answer any of these questions are internal - why am I not confident in myself?, why do I care what other people think?, how do I be more myself?, how do I express more of who I am?, how to I remove emotional blocks?


Am I credible?  Well, you must first see yourself as credible.  Credibility within yourself is synonymous with authentic.  When you are authentic, you are perceived as credible. Are you feeling, “I am pretending to be someone I am not” - ?  How to stop pretending to be someone you're not is basically how to be more authentic. How to build authentic confidence? - be more authentic.


We have a tendency to pretend because we are afraid of what someone else thinks. It's important to realize that we are ALWAYS playing a role - we are always playing a character. The more that we judge ourselves because of the character we are playing at that time, the more inauthentic we feel. The solution is to accept that we are always playing a role, and as you bring more of yourself into that role, the more you will sound (and look) like you know what you are talking about.


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