Coaches don’t realize Websites are not built to start conversations, Facebook groups are. Know, Like, Trust, Value, and Community are the key ingredients that lead to people buying from you.


By having a Client Getting Facebook Group you can accomplish all of the ingredients above. Websites cannot accomplish those ingredients!


In today’s discussion we do a deep dive on comparing a Facebook Group vs a Website and give you tangible steps on how to build a Client Getting Facebook Group.


Enjoy this discussion Coaches!


In This Episode, we discuss:

How you get Cold Leads into your FB Group The Do’s and Don’ts when building FB Group Content tips when launching your FB Group How to convert leads


Student Case Study Video! How Luis Went From 0-$8k Months Going Online With His Coaching Business:


Join our New Client Getting Facebook Group Program: 


FREE 15 Min More Clients Brainstorming Call. Let's Chat & See How We Can Help You Get Unstuck or Move Up Income Brackets.


Follow us on Instagram and see the full Show Notes to this episode here