The above quote couldn’t be more accurate and that’s why we are excited to share today’s interview with Chinwe Onyeagoro.


Chinwe is the CEO and Founder of Pocketsuite App and she’s a savvy experienced entrepreneur.


One of the things that stood out most in our discussion with Chinwe was her sharing her battle with Cancer, how she overcame it, and used it as fuel!


Tune into this discussion where we talk about why Health & Fitness Coaches need to automate their businesses and how Pocketsuite solves this issue and more.


We promise you it will inspire you and give you some new insights to take action on right away!


In This Episode, we discuss:

How Chinwe overcame her Cancer Battle and became a Boss Lady How business automation can help a health and fitness coach. Trends that have been seen over the pandemic that helped health and fitness coaches improve their profitability. Best practices for health and fitness coaches to make onboarding new clients better.


Follow us on Instagram and see the full Show Notes to this episode here


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