When we first became in person-personal trainers in 2009, we had a lot of distant mentors that really inspired us to be the best personal trainers around.


One of those distant mentors was the legendary hall of fame personal trainer, Nick Tumminello.


We had the great privilege to meet him and see him speak at the NSCA Personal Trainer Conference in Las Vegas in 2012.


The list of accolades and what Nick has done for the personal trainer industry would be an entire 1,000 words itself.


Nick has really been one of the real and authentic pioneers in the industry.


That’s why we are so excited to share with you this conversation we had with him.



The 2 MUST HAVE skill sets a personal trainer needs to have to be successful in 2021 His UNIQUE thoughts on the direction he sees the personal training industry going Why you aren’t OWED anything and why you need to STACK days to earn it When the personal trainer ENTREPRENEURIAL SIDE of him came out and how he created mini bands, books, courses, apparel, live events, etc.


If you are a fitness professional and want to learn some golden nuggets from the legendary hall of fame personal trainer, Nick Tuminnello…Tune into this Episode.


Follow us on

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chrisandericmartinez/ and see the full Show Notes to this episode here https://www.liveadynamiclifestyle.com/podcast/nobody-owes-you-anything-in-life-you-have-to-earn-it-with-nick-tumminello/https://www.liveadynamiclifestyle.com/


Follow Nick on his Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/nick_tumminello/


And visit his website here http://nicktumminello.com/



Text “coach” to 213-319-6702 if you are interested in us coaching you in 2021 and helping you build your coaching business and taking it to the next level.


Breaking News: We are giving away our new book “Rise Of The Fit Pros” for FREE.  Grab your FREE Digital and Audio Book copy here

