I Suck at the game of business! Does this sound familiar? If so, you are not alone lol.


I used to tell myself this all of the time when I would go through tough seasons in my business.


The truth is there is no off season in the game of business and yes, some seasons will suck but you have to keep going.


Wouldn’t it be cool if your coaching business was always on cruise control, bringing in consistent and large amounts of income, you were impacting lives, and kicking your feet up on a beach enjoying life…


That is a fantasy!!! And to be honest that sounds too damn easy. As a coach and entrepreneur it’s your duty to solve issues. If you can buy into this frame of mind you will be ok during the tough seasons.


In this episode we do a deep dive into this topic and give you 13 years of wisdom and some very powerful action steps to put in place that will help you get through some bad business seasons.


Tune into the full episode, let us know your thoughts, and take action!


In This Episode, I discuss:

Just putting in the work won’t cut it, you have to… The only thing that will matter once it’s all said and done The most common person on earth is the one with all the talent but no work ethic You find your true purpose during tough times


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Student Case Study Video! How Luis Went From 0-$8k Months Going Online With His Coaching Business:


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See the full Show Notes to this episode here https://www.liveadynamiclifestyle.com/podcast/some-seasons-of-business-suck-and-why-you-need-to-keep-going/