Real estate investor since 2005 and a licensed real estate agent in Texas since 2009

Relocated to Plano, TX in 2007

Made most of our investments during the big real estate crash of 2008-2009.
We didn’t survive the crash we thrived in it!

Own & Operate 269units in Celina, Plano & Lubbock Texas

B.Sc. in Information Systems and an IT Leader with over 17 years of experience

Former Logistics Operations Officer (lieutenant) in the IDF

Married to Rita, a licensed RE Broker and a former lieutenant in the IDF

A proud father of Sophie (age 9) and David (age 7)

Published Author: The Real Estate College Fund (available on Amazon)



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Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection by Jia Jiang



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