“God has done so much for us in Christ Jesus, and it is beautiful and it is wonderful, and it should change the way we live out our faith—both externally and internally."
— Natalie Abbott

Today, Natalie Abbott talks about how the book of James is like an ice plunge—a wake-up call for us to live out our faith. And James 1:27 (our memory verse) is where the rubber meets the road, calling us to consider both the external and internal expression of our beliefs. She discusses who modern-day orphans and widows are and how caring for them is a reflection of  the heart of God.  She also challenges how we think about the world and its priorities and practices, calling us not to be lured into those things. In all of this, she confesses her own failures and calls us to consider our own. It's a great episode, the very ice plunge we need!

This month’s memory verse: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." — James 1:27

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