The Kerygma Ventures Podcast with Dudley Hall artwork

The Kerygma Ventures Podcast with Dudley Hall

166 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 7 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 11 ratings

Each month for more than 40 years, Dudley Hall has shared from his heart what God is teaching him. Refreshing, candid, and honest expressions of God’s grace in Dudley’s life inhabit these messages of grace and simplicity. Liberation from legalism as well as total involvement in the Kingdom of God give balance to a message designed to fulfill our destiny in Christ. Dudley’s gift of teaching allows him to share the simplicity and truth of God’s message in a way that encourages his listeners to put truth into practice. Through laughter, tears, and thought-provoking topics, you’ll come face-to-face with the truth of the scripture and the reality of a loving Father. People often comment, “Dudley Hall makes the essential things seem simple.” While you laugh and sometimes cry, truth will grip you in such a practical way that you are encouraged to live it out.This is not a program of random messages selected to impress people or promote sales. It is indeed a “life in progress” being shared through a craftsman’s skill and disciple’s heart.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality dudley hall kerygma ventures kerygma grace gospel christ kingdom of god bible bible study gospel centered
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An Imperishable Hope: Dudley’s Monthly Message for June 2023

June 06, 2023 09:00 - 46 minutes - 32 MB

As we are approaching the half-way mark of 2023, June’s Monthly Message is about something critically important in our lives: hope. Government can’t give you hope, the world can’t give you hope, money can’t give you hope. But believers have eternal and unshakeable hope because of Jesus. Today, Dudley talks about what it means to live with hope and why the hope we have inside us has the power to defeat the darkness and sin we see in our world.  We pray this monthly message encourages you an...

Hope: Dudley’s Monthly Message for June 2023

June 06, 2023 09:00 - 46 minutes - 32 MB

As we are approaching the half-way mark of 2023, June’s Monthly Message is about something critically important in our lives: hope. Government can’t give you hope, the world can’t give you hope, money can’t give you hope. But believers have eternal and unshakeable hope because of Jesus. Today, Dudley talks about what it means to live with hope and why the hope we have inside us has the power to defeat the darkness and sin we see in our world.  We pray this monthly message encourages you an...

Approaching Difficult Conversations with Grace | Conversations at the Ranch - Pt. 7

May 30, 2023 14:00 - 19 minutes - 14.7 MB

In this episode, join Dudley and Sam for a discussion on how we can be more gracious and follow God’s example during difficult conversations with those we love.  Whether we are talking about race, politics, or marriage, it is important to approach these conversations with love and grace, however difficult it may be. We may not always agree with each other on these topics, but that doesn’t mean we love each other any less.  For more information and resources, visit https://kerygmaventures.c...

How Have We Seen the Lord Move in New Ways? | Papa I Have A Question Ep. 23

May 16, 2023 14:00 - 20 minutes - 14.8 MB

In this episode, join Dudley and Karis for a conversation on the Jesus Movement, and what it was like to experience the Lord moving in new ways during that time.  They’ll get into the similarities and differences between this movement and others Dudley has experienced, why the turmoil of those times had people calling out to the Lord for guidance, and how we can learn so much about Him through the history of the church.   For more information and resources, visit

Parenting Your Children With God's Love & Authority | Conversations at the Ranch - Pt. 6

May 09, 2023 10:00 - 17 minutes - 13.5 MB

In this episode, join Dudley and Sam for a discussion on the age of information and how it has changed the way people view religion.  They’ll get into raising children to know and love God, turning your heart towards God and feeling His guidance, and knowing that we all have the ability to question the world around us, but that we must always choose to submit to God’s final authority.  For more information and resources, visit  Follow and Subscribe: A...

Transforming Grace: Dudley’s Monthly Message for May 2023

May 02, 2023 13:00 - 1 hour - 42.6 MB

As we go into May 2023, Dudley shares his monthly message on how to understand the Awakening taking place all around us.  In this episode, Dudley emphasizes the importance of asking God to align our perspective with His about what is going on within our own lives and the lives of those around us, for we must ask for His guidance as we navigate this world and live by the Gospel. Join Dudley as he clarifies the new paradigm of grace, explains the nature and purpose of the cross, and explores ...

Living with a Unique God

April 04, 2023 19:00 - 57 minutes - 39.7 MB

In these days we are trying to discern what God is saying, not only by studying the written word (which is relevant at all times), but in the events we are watching both in the church and in the world. His ways are beyond finding out by those whose eyes are blind, but to those admitting hunger, thirst, and desperation, He shows himself and His ways. Learn more:

God Has His Ways

March 07, 2023 16:00 - 40 minutes - 28 MB

For a relationship to flourish, each person must know how the other sees it. In the greatest relationship mankind can have—with God, we should know how He views it. Invest in Kerygma Ventures:

What's the Real Problem?

February 01, 2023 20:00 - 1 hour - 43.8 MB

The American culture is convulsing now as a result of conflicting ideological agendas vying for supremacy. Wokeism, CRT, LGBQT-plus, Progressivism, Trump- ism, Anti-Trumpism, Pandemic over- reach, Immigration... Without the message of the gospel, the world is moving toward darkness and corruption. Only when the church rightly identifies itself and begins to act like who we are is there any hope for finding answers to the questions that plague us and the problems that confound us. Invest in...

The True Revolution

January 03, 2023 21:00 - 41 minutes - 28.9 MB

When a new administration comes to power, the list of values of that administration will be different than the previous one. When Jesus came on the scene, He announced that a new administration (kingdom) had come, and this administration was the final one. No other power would ever rise to replace it. Invest in Kerygma Ventures:

Hope-filled Tension

December 06, 2022 17:00 - 40 minutes - 28 MB

God completes whatever He begins! He is not at the mercy of human fickleness to get His enormous and majestic plan done. We hope for what we are sure of but can’t yet see. There is tension, but it is full of hope. Invest in Kerygma Ventures:

What Are We Missing?

November 01, 2022 18:00 - 43 minutes - 29.6 MB

Each time you meet someone you can be sure of this: You are looking into the face of a person who desperately wants to be known, to be loved, and to be valued. We are designed for those longings to be met. When they are unmet, we are not only unsatisfied, but dangerous to ourselves and to our society. Invest in Kerygma Ventures:

The Implications of the Big Reveal

October 03, 2022 20:00 - 39 minutes - 27.5 MB

We often cling to the belief that being a good person is the goal, and that God’s favor is dependent upon our being good. The New Testament gospel (the kerygma) counters that belief system, and the implications of Christ’s finished work become mandates for our ethic.  Invest in Kerygma Ventures:

The Cross is the Crux

September 06, 2022 17:00 - 45 minutes - 31.2 MB

When a person sees the cross as the center of the Bible story, it is either the best news ever… or the worst. From Paul’s point of view, the cross of Jesus Christ is the crux of the matter, the climax of the story, and the only hope of eternal life. Invest in Kerygma Ventures:

Justice, Judgment, and Jesus

August 02, 2022 15:00 - 50 minutes - 35 MB

Dudley's Monthly Message for August 2022 Learn more:

Holiness: The Good News

July 06, 2022 21:00 - 48 minutes - 33.6 MB

It is important that we get a proper view of holiness because God is holy. He is the most liberated person in the universe. He is the most fulfilled. He is the most fun.  If he is holy, it must be a good thing.  Learn more:

What Kind of Revival?

June 07, 2022 14:00 - 47 minutes - 32.8 MB

There is no magic formula we can work to force God to send the revival we order, but there is a distinct pattern of how God has worked to bring life to dead situations. We can align with His pattern and trust Him to do what He longs to do through us. Learn more:

Gospel Repentance

May 11, 2022 03:00 - 35 minutes - 24.4 MB

To repent is to bring our minds in line with the reality that Jesus now is the Lord over all things and that He is the full and final hope of Israel and the world. For more information, please visit:

Are Christians Dangerous?

April 07, 2022 17:00 - 58 minutes - 40 MB

We know that the life of Christ being manifest in believers makes us either attractive to those who are thirsty for life or scary for those determined to eliminate God from their existence. We either emit an aroma of life or death.  For more information, please visit:

The Sound of Grace

March 09, 2022 18:00 - 37 minutes - 25.9 MB

Because the gospel as proclaimed by the New Testament apostles is the only power able to transform people, the purity and clarity of it is the most critical issue of our day. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he addresses the importance of the gospel of grace in initial salvation and in living as God’s people now and forever. Learn more:

Why is the Gospel Offensive?

February 04, 2022 20:00 - 49 minutes - 34 MB

It has always been true that the good news from God to mankind is offensive. It seems strange because, after all, it is good news. Typically we like good news. When the stock market goes up or the weather forecast is sunny and mild or the kid’s report card has “A’s”- we love it. Why then does the natural mind react to the news that God has acted in history to save us and that His mercy is behind it?  To learn more, visit:

Grace Makes Graciousness

January 04, 2022 19:00 - 45 minutes - 31.6 MB

The inevitable fruit of grace in a person’s life is graciousness toward others. We are living in a time when graciousness is rare. Vitriol and contention are the more common modes of relating. Efforts to solve this growing cancer in our society don’t seem to be effective. It’s not that we can’t see the problem. It’s that we can’t see the deep root that is producing it. For instance, racism is not primarily about color of skin or societal structures that still show evidences of it. It cannot...

The People of Promise

December 03, 2021 17:00 - 42 minutes - 29.1 MB

We are people of promise. The Law did its part. We honor it. Now we glorify His glorious grace. According to the biblical narrative, people are designed to live in the blessing of the good and sovereign Creator. That blessing includes the consciousness of His presence, the abundance of His provision, the guarantee of His protection, and the privilege of working as His partners in the development of creation. When the first humans chose to yield to the seduction of the devil, the blessing wa...

Jealous for Grace

November 08, 2021 19:00 - 52 minutes - 36 MB

The bedrock foundation of truth is the news that God has acted in grace. Our redeemed life is totally a gift and does its work only when it is received as a gift from God with no strings attached.  For more information, visit:


October 04, 2021 16:00 - 46 minutes - 32.1 MB

I’ve had several personal conversations recently that centered around questions and problems related to the doctrine of election. For centuries, Bible students have debated the Calvinist/Arminian positions regarding this precious doctrine. Whole denominations have been created because of a particular position, and, sadly, some Christian brothers and sisters have treated each other like enemies because of their inability to find common ground. This message is not trying to settle the proposit...

The Myth of Casual Christianity

September 03, 2021 15:00 - 41 minutes - 28.4 MB

There are some things that we can enjoy best in moderation. Ice cream is better if tasted in small bites rather than gorging. Wading in a cold mountain stream is better if taken by degrees. Other things require total commitment. The gospel life is like that. It can’t be enjoyed in moderation. It is all or nothing. For more information, visit:

The Exclusive Story

August 03, 2021 18:00 - 49 minutes - 33.7 MB

Humanity has a history of misidentifying reality and creating stories that often destroy millions of lives or lead societies down paths of fantasy and deception. Stories abound trying to explain the sounds we hear and the sights we observe. It is very confusing, unless there is an exclusive story that interprets the others and makes sense in the core of our being. There is!  For more information about Kerygma Ventures, visit us at:

Partners with God

July 01, 2021 16:00 - 50 minutes - 34.6 MB

Recent surveys reveal that 52% of American workers feel burn out, which has spiked during the Covid-19 era. A myriad of factors contribute to it, but an obvious one is the vulnerability of individualistic isolation. The old western civilization icon of the self- made, self-sufficient, enlightened human is being exposed as the fraud it has always been. Leaders in all spheres, including the church, are suffering from burn out, flame out, and fall out... Yet shouldn’t Christ-followers pause lon...

The Kerygmatic Option

June 01, 2021 19:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

The level of angst today in society in general and western civilization in particular suggests a deep longing for spiritual renewal and cultural reset. The people who believe that God acts in history in conjunction with the prayers of His people are engaging in prayer and asking: “What might a new awakening look like?” I offer a suggestion and a fervent hope: the kerygmatic option. For more information about Kerygma Ventures, visit us at:

Truth Is Supreme

May 01, 2021 14:00 - 45 minutes - 31.2 MB

The war between truth and deception rages in our culture in such an obvious way that one must hide to keep from seeing it. Some may be so distracted by self-absorption that they don’t bother to notice the battle, but most are aware... and nervous. Never in the history of this nation has the intensity been so high. 

Awakening To The War

April 05, 2021 19:00 - 39 minutes - 27.5 MB

In Psalm 12, David describes the alarm we sense when accosted by the noise filling the air around us: “Help, O Lord, for there is no longer anyone who is godly; the faithful have disappeared from humankind. They utter lies to each other; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak...those who say, “With our tongues we will prevail; our lips are ourown—who is our master?” (Psalm 12:1-4 NRSV). What are we seeing in these days? We can be sure that our God has not forgotten us or gone on...

Stability In The Storm

March 01, 2021 18:00 - 39 minutes - 26.9 MB

Storms should not surprise us when they come, yet we often find ourselves overwhelmed by their ferocity or rapidity. Like a child playing in the surf who is hit by an unexpected wave, before we can get up and wipe our face another one comes crashing in. Jesus predicted that storms would come into all of our lives, and that they would expose the foundations of what we are building.  Jesus’ emphasis in this discourse was the necessity of building on “these words of mine.” All previous words f...

Open The Package

February 01, 2021 16:00 - 41 minutes - 28.4 MB

The Christmas trees had many packages piled underneath for days before the big day. Now the floor is empty except for a few gifts left for family or friends who haven’t gotten theirs yet. Wouldn’t it be a shame if we left the big one with our name on it unopened - admired and anticipated, but left untouched? What if it contained the last will and testament of a rich uncle who left enough money to pay all of our obligations and secure our financial  future, and we just left it there while co...

What is Jesus Doing Now?

January 01, 2021 14:00 - 39 minutes - 27.1 MB

As believers, we celebrate the finished work of Jesus, emphasizing that He initiated and carried out redemption through His incarnation, perfect obedience, sacrificial death, miraculous resurrection, and majestic exaltation. We rejoice that there is nothing we can do to add to the full salvation He purchased for us. It is indeed glorious to meditate on the redemption story carried out in the life of Jesus. However, some have concluded that since His ascension to Heaven, He has taken a break ...

Born From Heaven, Assigned To Earth

December 01, 2020 20:00 - 1 hour - 41.9 MB

The recent election has revealed a tension many Christians feel as citizens of both heaven and earth. Some have concluded that, since we are born from heaven, we have little or no business trying to influence such matters as politics and civil government. Others have felt so connected to our earthly responsibilities that they have put too much hope in the civil structures of society. In the middle of the confusion, we have been susceptible to defining our preferences by the reputation or dis...

Hast Thou No Scar?

November 01, 2020 20:00 - 37 minutes - 26.1 MB

As Jesus came to save (heal) the brokenness of the fallen world, He released the power to accomplish His purpose and extended that mission through His corporate body. The doctrine of suffering has been neglected in understanding the Christian experience. Yet, sacrifice is the core expression of love that transforms. Having a consistent doctrine of the mission of the church, which includes suffering, is essential for our implementation of a community that extends Christ’s healing in the world.

Longing For A Leader

October 01, 2020 16:00 - 43 minutes - 30.2 MB

We are designed to live in connection to a leader. As created beings, we properly respond to our Creator as One who is worthy of worship and trust. It was only when we bought into the lie that we can be our own leaders without submission to anyone that we as the human race lost our way.  Scripture relates a time in Israel’s history when the people were doing what was right in their own eyes and feeling frustrated. Discontented with Yahweh as their king, they longed for a human leader...

Profound Times

September 01, 2020 15:00 - 53 minutes - 36.4 MB

2020 has certainly been surprising to us all, and that surprise has manifested in a lot of different ways: Angry people are shouting, fearful people are fretting, predators are pouncing, and almost everyone is scratching their heads, wondering what is really going on. All the while, it seems as though the wise and mature are ignored as they stand in the shadows, leery of offering what they know is not welcomed. Take a moment and listen to this dynamic message!

Step Into Freedom

August 01, 2020 15:00 - 33 minutes - 23.1 MB

The awareness of the existence of something greater, just out of reach, plagues all of humanity. C.S. Lewis recognized this when he spoke of having desires that nothing in this world can satisfy. His conclusion was that these unmet desires are evidence that we are made for another world. This is why fantasies captivate us. To learn more, take a few minutes and listen to this exciting message.

What Can We Expect Now?

July 01, 2020 13:00 - 49 minutes - 33.9 MB

It is universally common to want to have a better life. No one sets out to have a bad life or a lesser life. As we read the Bible, we find words and concepts that grab our attention because they seem to offer ways to find that place of blessing. It has always been relatively easy to misinterpret what that means. We long for victory over our enemies both external and internal. We see promises of prosperity, and eagerly seek to find ways of having it. The apostle Paul speaks of “always being ...

Living in the "Last Hour"

June 01, 2020 12:00 - 38 minutes - 26.8 MB

Amid all the bad news and global disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen a surge of speculation about the “last days” and the end times. If you’re like me, you’ve heard and read numerous things in recent days comparing the current viral outbreak to the plagues mentioned in the book of Revelation, usually accompanied by a suggestion that we are living in the last few moments of history. So, are we really living in “the last hour”? The answer is, “yes” and “no.”

Looking for the Essential Jesus

May 01, 2020 12:00 - 33 minutes - 23.2 MB

Throughout the years, biblical scholars and theologians have searched for the historical Jesus. They have sought to know all they can about Jesus in his historical context. While this can certainly be a worthwhile and profitable study, I contend that there is another search that is more universal: searching for the essential Jesus.

Extended Incarnation

April 01, 2020 16:00 - 54 minutes - 37.2 MB

God’s purpose in creation is to rule through his human partners. Adam and Eve were designed to tend the garden with a view to tending the whole earth. They had everything they needed to do just that. Their fall into sin left them afraid of the God who loved them, ashamed of the bodies he gave them, and dismayed at the task he assigned them. The story of redemption is the answer to each of these problems and provides the means for God to again have a community on earth that will display his i...

The Nature of His Name

March 01, 2020 17:00 - 46 minutes - 32.1 MB

THE NATURE OF HIS NAME The apostle John closes his gospel account by recording the very last discourse Jesus had with his disciples. John recounts the prayer Jesus prayed to the Father after revealing intimate insights to the disciples about sharing the life of God. He prays that they (and we) will know in fullness the joy of sharing his very life. Jesus relates that he has made known to them how he was sent from the Father, how he revealed the true nature of the Father, and how he has kept...

Is It Safe To Hope

February 01, 2020 21:00 - 41 minutes - 28.7 MB

As we approach this new year and decade, we hear many voices encouraging us to feel positive about our future. I have heard some playing on the idea of 20/20 eyesight, saying that 2020 is a year of corrected vision and clear perspective. Others build their hopes on positive thoughts and words that they believe will actually create circumstances that are better... 

Rule or Be Ruled

January 01, 2020 20:00 - 43 minutes - 29.6 MB

The deliriously happy couple married and expected to live to a ripe old age enjoying grandchildren and savoring their twilight years together. Cancer! She died at age 27. He was devastated. Another young man studied hard and received good grades in hopes of getting a job with the large firm. Another less qualified candidate knew the CEO personally and was hired instead. He was downcast. It happens to all of us. What we expected didn’t happen. What we wanted was not granted. Life surprised us...

Return To Joy

December 02, 2019 20:00 - 44 minutes - 30.3 MB

The whole human race is caught up in a frantic search for peace, harmony, purpose, and pleasure. In other words: joy. What most have not yet discovered, however, is that God designed us for that very thing. Even the wiring of the human brain is controlled by a center that is motivated by joy.

A Safe Place (DMM-NOV19)

November 01, 2019 20:00 - 43 minutes - 30 MB

Who among us has not been alarmed by news reports of how divided our society has become? People on both sides of the political aisle roll their eyes when they hear those on the opposing side demanding safe places and refusing to even listen to opposing views (much less allowing them space on their Facebook news feeds).  It seems we have become so fragile that we can’t endure the tension of being challenged to think beyond our own opinions. While certainly not a sign of a healthy culture, th...

The Way Of The Thorn (DMM-OCT19)

October 01, 2019 04:00 - 41 minutes - 28.3 MB

The Way Of The Thorn Suffering is often demonized in the current climate of “feel good” religious dogma. In an effort to attract more followers, leaders tend to over-emphasize the idea of pleasure and comfort afforded those who believe while neglecting or even rejecting the role of suffering. This is very dangerous. It leaves the sheep of God’s pasture vulnerable to the stalking predator who is seeking someone to attack.“. . . Like a roaring lion our adversary the devil prowls around lookin...

Revival In Our Day (DMM-SEPT19)

September 01, 2019 22:00 - 35 minutes - 24.5 MB

When what we see suggests that evil is winning and that life is random; that God is, at best, disinterested in our plight; that when our hopes and dreams seem to be crashing around us and prayers are seemingly ignored—we long for an audience with God.  The ancient Job did, and so did Habakkuk.  “O LORD, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not listen? Or cry to you “Violence!” and you will not save? Why do you make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are ...