Coach Nick & Dudes of Disruption along with world-class speaker and best-selling author, Nance Rosen and founder of the online magazine Abernathy, Willie Jackson, examine the cultural disruptors from Jackie Robinson to Muhammad Ali to the current situation at the Dakota Access Pipeline who exercise their right to voice their perspective. The U.S. Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.”

In business, we are celebrated and encouraged to debate, rethink and challenge the status quo in the name of continuous improvement and creating business breakthroughs. Yet on social and cultural issues, people often seem offended by a differing opinion resulting in push back and calling people unpatriotic or cry-babies.

Coach Nick, Nance Rosen and Willie Jackson look to disrupt the need for people’s automatic to conform and instead remind and invite the global tribe of disruptors on the importance of dialogue and idea exchanging. Something new is possible that was not available previously when people have the freedom to speak their mind and share their heart.