Coach Nick & the Dudes of Disruption examine the game-changers from our founding fathers to visionaries such as Garrett Camp the Founder of Uber. In this political climate, we are reminded that our Founding Fathers were forward thinking artists and visionaries who were driven by ideas and ideals to create a new kind of government, one that had never existed before, one formed by a desire and choice for new culture of freedom.

Where have you been the Founding Father of something like the birth of our nation? Where in your life can you become the artist of your life so you get to be a Found Father and unleash something amazing? Take a listen to find out where seeking permission and approval get in the way of becoming the artist of your life. The world is a demand for a new way of thinking and being around: your home and career, environment, education, community, etc...and yes, even in politics.

Coach Nick along with Coach Kerry Cannava Turner and Pavel Lempert from Drum Cafe explore what we ALL have in common with our Founding Fathers so we get to design and paint the world we desire. And when we operate from a future you desire, your whole being is unleashed…like our Founding Fathers were all those years ago.