"Mother is her son's first god; she must teach him the most important lesson of all - how to love."- Unknown

Coach Nick and the Dudes of Disruption discuss the important relationship between mothers and their sons. They highlight the impact that mothers have on the way their sons develop. The Mom and son relationship is usually the first major relationship a son will establish in the world.

The disruption is that it's never too late to have a relationship with your mom even if she's physically passed from this world. The disruption is to also learn how you can be different with your relationship with your mom because that may influence how you are in relationship with other people.

Studies indicate that sons with a deep and meaningful connection with their moms do better academically, emotionally, behaviorally - sons with a healthy conversation usually creates a high level of emotional intelligence which is key in leadership and being effective in your relationships.

Music by Jason Misrahi

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