“And, in the end, The love you take, is equal to the love you make.” – The Beatles

According to Gallup, 22 million workers or about 70% of the US workforce is "actively disengaged," or extremely negative in their workplace. This costs the U.S. economy up to $300 billion dollars a year in productivity.

Coach Nick & The Dudes of Disruption discuss one of the main ingredients to change this trend of disengagement with active practice of appreciation. The show explores the importance and the role that appreciating, acknowledging and recognizing people creates – at work with your teams and colleagues and at home with you family and friends.

The disruption is to shift our relationship around appreciating others – making the time and creating the space to fill other people’s relationship account in the same way you make deposits in a bank account. When you fill up other people’s relationship account, they do more, they share more and they become more loyal.

Music by Jason Misrahi

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