The leader’s most powerful tool boils down to two compelling words: “Thank you.”

Before you dismiss this idea, let’s look at the science behind the expression of gratitude – in our homes, schools, communities, and workplaces.

Author, professor, and scientist Robert Emmons shares research that found people that practice gratitude enjoy significant physical, psychological, and social benefits. Some of those benefits include a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, higher levels of positive emotions, higher alertness, more compassion, and less isolation.

Gratitude doesn’t come as naturally to us humans as crankiness. We notice and talk about things going badly more than we notice and talk about things that are going great.

In order to act from a place of gratitude, we have to train ourselves to be on the lookout for good things around us.

We have to pay attention – we have to observe good things, notice good things, and express appreciation for those good things.

The cool thing is that people are doing good things all the time – at home, in our communities, at work – everywhere. We just don’t notice them.

In three-minute episode of my Culture Leadership Charge podcast series, I share how to 1) notice actions deserving of "thank you's" then 2) ensure your “thank you’s” have positive impact.

This is episode sixty-eight of my Culture Leadership Charge video & podcast series. In these concise episodes, I presents the best practices for creating and maintaining a purposeful, positive, productive culture - at work, at home, and in your community.

This content was released in video format on my website,, on June 17, 2019.

Check out my YouTube channel to view all of my 3-minute Culture Leadership Charge video episodes.