The 2020 election presents a constitutional opportunity for the USA.

Voter turnout - about 65% as of today's counts - is the highest it's been here in over 100 years! And - that high mark here falls short of the voter participation in other developed countries like Belgium (87% in 2014), Sweden (82% in 2014), and Denmark (80% in 2015).

Our states have the responsibility to ensure that every citizen of voting age casts their vote in every election.

What is required of states to increase voter turnout? Three things. In today's 3-minute culture leadership charge, Chris shares those three things, all of which are well within states' power and authority.

In today's three minute episode of my Culture Leadership Charge podcast series, I share those three things - all of which are within states' power and authority.

Business leaders can boost voter participation by ensuring they and their companies model these three things in their organizations.

This is episode ninety of my Culture Leadership Charge series. In these concise episodes, I presents the best practices for creating and maintaining a purposeful, positive, productive culture - at work, at home, and in your community.

This content was released in video format on my website,, on October 21, 2020.

Check out my YouTube channel to view all of my 3-minute Culture Leadership Charge video episodes.