How many of you have done team building activities with work groups? We’ve all done events like bowling or tower building or trust falls.

How often, though, have those activities translated into sustained healthier work relationships?

Not very often.

Does that mean team building is a worthless endeavor? Not at all. Effective teamwork lies at the heart of most good things that happen in workplaces.

Teams with purposeful, positive, productive work cultures accomplish things that separate individuals cannot consistently deliver.

So, how can we create effective team building that contributes to sustained healthy relationships? By engaging with others in meaningful, cooperative activities away from the workplace and then leveraging insights gathered there into positive and productive work relationships.

The most compelling team building experiences use cooperative interaction.

In this episode, I describe the powerful impact of cooperative interaction and share how to refine a typical team building activity to require collaboration.

This is episode sixty-five of my Culture Leadership Charge video & podcast series. In these concise episodes, I presents the best practices for creating and maintaining a purposeful, positive, productive culture - at work, at home, and in your community.

This content was released in video format on my website,, on May 6, 2019.

Check out my YouTube channel to view all of his short, crisp Culture Leadership Charge video episodes.