What is your stress level? What are your employees’ stress levels? The pandemic has placed tremendous burdens on every human—and every company – on the planet.

Closed businesses and lost jobs have taken a significant toll on the economy and human wellbeing.

Stress is at an all-time high. A 2020 Harris Poll found that US adults’ average stress level was 5.4 (on a 10-point scale). This rating is significantly higher than the 2019 average stress level of 4.9.

Parents with children under the age of 18 rated their stress level at 6.7. That’s unfortunate, but not surprising.

Effective leaders know that one of the most important things they can do to support team members is to remove employee frustrations.

During pre-pandemic times, lousy systems, poor communication, disrespect, and poor follow-through typically generated employee frustrations.

During the pandemic, employee frustrations have grown. Working remotely doesn’t solve the above issues—it amplifies them.

Leaders can do three things to help address employee frustrations:

First, ASK. Proactively engage with employees. Ask them how they’re doing. Ask what their biggest frustrations are with getting work done today.

This is episode ninety-three of my Culture Leadership Charge series. In these concise episodes, I present the best practices for creating and maintaining a purposeful, positive, productive culture - at work, at home, and in your community.

This content was released in video format on my website, http://DrivingResultsThroughCulture.com, on February 18, 2021.

Check out my YouTube channel to view all of my 3-minute Culture Leadership Charge video episodes.