In this episode, we look at artists and entrepreneurs and try to answer the questions: Are they different? Do they overlap? Are they the same? I'm going to try to figure out which one I am. As I do this, I hope it helps you figure out if you are more of an artist or entrepreneur. It's important to know who you are so you can work with your strengths and be successful in life. So are you more artist, entrepreneur, or something else? Let’s find out together.

To learn more about the the Season 1 guests, click here.

For full show notes, click here.

Episode Highlights, Lowlights and Takeaways:

How to kill a Muse The greatest hangover remedy of all time When on a date, don’t tell girls you’re an artist or an entrepreneur What do Richard Branson and Walt Disney have in common?

Are you more of an artist, creator, or manager? Take the quiz now!

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