Is the future going to be a bleak place of global disaster, overpopulation, enslavement by our cyborg overlords, or is it going to be a place of peace and prosperity, filled with things we can hardly yet imagine? Jump in the flying Delorean with us as we head into the future and live a day in the life of the year 2029, 2049, and 2099.   We take a look at how work, travel, and everyday will radically change over the coming years. This episode will give you an idea of where things are going so that you can future-proof your career and prepare for the changes ahead. Buckle up!   To learn more about the the Season 1 guests, click here.   For full show notes, click here.   Episode Highlights, Lowlights and Takeaways: The death of offices Tech tools podcasters will use in 2024 Flying Ubers are closer than you think We will all be cyborgs sooner or later and…hover bikes! To help the show out, subscribe and rate us on iTunes. I love your feedback and I read every review! Good reviews also help the show’s visibility among the hundreds of thousands on iTunes.