Ever dreamt of packing everything up, becoming a minimalist, and travelling in an RV?

Ana, a client of mine and ENFP Unleashed Member, did it with her ISTJ husband and kids and lived to tell the story.

In the interview I also discuss my experiences as a new freelancer and writer, moving to and living in Europe and how you can save money and travel as a minimalist while you build your business.

If you want to reach your goals sometimes you need to sacrifice and sometimes you can simply take a totally different approach...perhaps creating an amazing experience while getting closer to your goals. This is what I did when I started my freelance writing business and it is what Ana and her family did to build wealth by living in an RV while travelling the USA.

If you want to get in touch with Ana, you can contact her here: 


If you are ENFP here is a FREE training I have for you


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