Myke Celis is a true unicorn and man of many talents. While he has numerous accomplishments as a TV and Radio host, many time international TEDx speaker, global master coach, author, and entrepreneur, Myke’s lasting impact in the world has truly come as founder of #bestmeever, an inspirational global brand with the power to free many around the world to live their very best lives.

Myke grew up wanting only to know that he was loved and mattered. This desire inspired him to break free of what others defined as success to live daily with no regrets and do things his own way. His story is powerful and his journey rarely easy, but Myke’s going global and his message is one we all need to hear.

About the Guest:

Former multinational advertising and marketing executive turned everything he wanted to be:

Internationally Certified Life Master Coach and Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Coach from The Life Coach Training Institute USA and Coachology Thailand. Recently started his journey as an ICF (International Coach Federation) coach, the global authority in Coaching.

Currently one of the most in demand life coaches across print, radio, tv and digital platforms as subject matter expert and as a personal coach of a number of celebrities, executives, local and foreign clients under his #bestmeever self actualization and personal breakthrough program, which has helped hundreds of people here and abroad.

Best selling author of 3 inspirational titles available at National Bookstore and Powerbooks branches nationwide. His fourth book, #bestmeever Notes to Myself will be for international release in Vietnam soon.

Entrepreneur with 5 thriving businesses: PerCX Advertising, Smell Chic Home and Body Care, Happy Swirlz Ice Cream, Lufong Cantonese Kitchen Pioneer and Happy Pantry Bakery.

Radio Talk Show Host of DZME 1530AM, every Monday 10-1130am.

Face and Host of ABS-CBN Adober Studios Multimedia Life and Inspiration.

Filipino record holder with the greatest number of local and international TEDx talks given including stints in TEDx Japan, TEDx Hong Kong, TEDx Malaysia and TEDx Indonesia. At present, he has represented the Philippines 10x.  With upcoming stints in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sorsogon next year, making it a total of 13 by February 2020.

On the side, Myke is a Proud graduate of UP Diliman (BA Broadcast Communications and Masters in Media Studies) who loves to work out, travel and spread good vibes and positivity everywhere he goes, changing one life at a time.


Personal Links:






Resource Links:

Chicken soup for the soul-

The Magic-

The Power-


About the Host:

Dan McPherson, International Speaker, Business and Personal Development Coach, and CEO of Leaders Must Lead, is on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs create and grow profit and understand that Dreams ARE Real. With more than 25 years’ experience in corporate roles leading teams of up to 2000 and responsible for more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales, and business strategy.

Through his Leaders Must Learn Mastermind, Dreams ARE Real Podcast, Foundations of Success Training, and powerful 1-1 coaching, Dan helps hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world from musicians and artists to chiropractors, coaches, retailers, and beyond experience success and accomplish their goals.

To learn more about Dan or to follow him on Social Media, you can find him on:


Leaders Must Lead Facebook:

Free Coaching Assessment:

Dreams are Real Facebook:




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