Blending a deep understanding of Metaphysics with a healthy portion of practical knowledge has dramatically increased Damian Nordmann’s ability to relate to and inspire others as an author, speaker, and mindset coach. The unique perspective provided by a Doctorate of Metaphysics and amplified through 20+ years of service as a Teacher, Director, and President of the School of Metaphysics allows Damian to help others understand The Inner Secrets of Success, achieve their dreams, and believe anything is possible.

About the Guest:

Damian Nordmann is a Mindset Coach, author, speaker, and creator of the Laws of Success courses.  He graduated from the School of Metaphysics course of study with his Doctorate of Metaphysics.  He also served at the School of Metaphysics for two decades as a teacher, branch director, field director, and president.  Damian loves to pass on his insights, experience, and wisdom.  In 2019 he launched The Inner Secrets of Success Podcast to help anyone achieve success no matter what stage of life he or she may be in.  Coming up in January of 2020, Damian will be offering very special Six Week Master Class called Purpose, Passion, and Power - Discovering Your Dharma.


Personal Links:


Facebook:  Damian Nordmann

IG:  DamianBlairZeal

Contact:  [email protected]


Resource Links:

Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What you Want-

Success Principals-

Becoming supernatural-

Atomic Habits-


About the Host:

Dan McPherson, International Speaker, Business and Personal Development Coach, and CEO of Leaders Must Lead, is on a mission to help Creatives and Entrepreneurs create and grow profit and understand that Dreams ARE Real. With more than 25 years’ experience in corporate roles leading teams of up to 2000 and responsible for more than $150M in revenue, Dan is a recognized expert in leadership, sales, and business strategy.

Through his Leaders Must Learn Mastermind, Dreams ARE Real Podcast, Foundations of Success Training, and powerful 1-1 coaching, Dan helps hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world from musicians and artists to chiropractors, coaches, retailers, and beyond experience success and accomplish their goals.

To learn more about Dan or to follow him on Social Media, you can find him on:


Leaders Must Lead Facebook:

Dreams are Real Facebook:




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