Today on the Podcast, Finding Your Path.

If you find yourself feeling disconnected, replaying past events, dress rehearsing worst case scenarios or routinely questioning, "What is my purpose?" — this is the episode for you.

If you have a love / hate relationship with marketing, with sales, with pitching yourself or launching your offerings — this is the episode for you.

If you want to find a mentor but you've got absolutely no idea how it works or where to start or if it's paid — this is the episode for you.

And why? Because we've all been there.

At those crossroads in life (and in business) where we just don't know which way to go; what to share along our journey; or who to travel with.

For some? That's our cue to ask for directions. For others? It's when we seek out new experiences. Getting lost, exploring and seeing where things lead. For risk takers? We might put the cart before the horse; riding off on a wing and prayer. But for many? These fork- in-the-road decisions can create paralyzing standstills in our lives; turning momentary uncertainty into chronic inaction and self-doubt.

What if you could learn to trust the path you're on?

What if instead of only seeking guidance from someone else, or only wanderlusting, or only hustling, or only waiting — you learned how to:

Find mentors, Keep a beginner's mind, Act on faith to take a chance on yourself, And ... slow down to speed up

Because if you've found yourself planted at the intersection of No Longer and Not Yet, feeling aimless and alone or racing and rushed, there's a better way.

But here's the thing, the journey is the destination:

And the road back home is not outside of yourself. That purpose you seek? It's not to be found but to be remembered. And that type of Creative Direction, both inner and outer, doesn't just spontaneously happen. It's revealed little by little and step by step.

It's the reward of study, of discipline, of quietude. Of consciously doing whatever it takes to put yourself in empowering environments, surrounded by mindful and motivated people, and practicing the Art of Being along with the Science of Success so that you know when to take in the view and when to hit the gas; when to ask for assistance and when to call upon your own inner guidance.

Enter today's conversation with ...

Friend, Ben Decker. A man who is both our instructor and our peer; blending mindfulness with social activism and entrepreneurship into all that we do.

A meditation teacher — who follows a cross disciplinary approach — Ben is the author of Practical Meditation for Beginners, which introduces ten meditation techniques over a ten-day program.

As a political activist, Ben has hosted fundraisers for progressive candidates including Senator Bernie Sanders during his 2016 Presidential Campaign, Congressman Tim Ryan, and Congressional Candidate Marianne Williamson, with whom he worked closely throughout her Los Angeles Congressional campaign.

And once praised by Forbes as a "legendary PR maven," and "a shining example of the talent the philanthropic community needs to attract," Decker left a prolific career in Hollywood to dedicate his professional life to conscious activism where he is passionate about peace, social justice, and reading rare books on ancient wisdom, spirituality, politics, and comparative religion.

In this Episode We Talk About:

Where Ben first learned to value learning & to look for role models, What it was really like growing up in a Mormon home, How he readied himself for when his teachers would come, The right (and wrong ways) to find (and keep) a mentor, What to do if your work, life, or relationships don't feel resonant, How Ben left a prolific career in celebrity PR and pivoted his career, When an unexpected tragedy hit & how he processed his grief, The reasons you want to practice "Giving Consciousness" right now, Why the most successful, most creative, most athletic folks meditate, When you want a "Wisdom Council of Support" or Mastermind, How to make marketing feel sincere versus manipulative, When online learning can still create really valuable community, Why you won't always get it right (HINT: No one ever does), The biggest myth about quieting the mind + the #1 thing meditation needs of you, How meditation really has roots in every spiritual tradition and diverse culture, Plus ... how mentor Marianne Williamson has impacted his life and career

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.

Mentioned in this Podcast:

Follow Ben: Website People: Ora Nadrich , Marianne Williamson ,  David Kessler's Books & Trainings on Grief Past Episodes: Ep 028 "The Simplest (Hardest) Practice to Attracting More Abundance" Look For Upcoming Episode Topics: How to Launch a Podcast, The 8 Triggers of Flow, Should You Join a Mastermind or Hire a Coach? The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO LIVE LA + VIRTUAL EXPERIENCES


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