Today on the Podcast, Why Women Need Women to Check In.

Radical honesty hour: When's the last time you asked a woman how she was doing ... AND really asked?

You know, as if you truly cared. As if you weren't trying merely to be polite. But as if you truly wanted to know?

Not so that you could fix her but so that you could witness:

The hurt. The overwhelm. The exhaustion. The pressure.

Feelings that, frankly, TOO MANY WOMEN are secretly shouldering day in and day out.

And, more importantly, so that you could celebrate:

Her business. Her ideas. Her strengths. Her wins every time she's overcome!

Was it last week? Last month? Last ________????

And how many of those asks have been solely in the online world?

A quickie text you forget to go back and check? A passive DM while you multi-tasked 10 other screens? A lightening-fast comment as you promoted your post?

On a scale of 1 -10, how genuinely present were you? How sincerely interested?

Better yet, when's the last time YOU (yourself) really answered honestly. And really shared openly?

You know, as if you wouldn't be judged. As if you trusted it would matter. As if you could be wildly raw.

Not so that you could wallow but so that you could be seen. And stop forcing yourself to try to look:

"Upbeat" "Busy" "Perfect"

Enter today's conversation with ...

Dear new friend, Hafsa of A woman whose courage to speak out and speak up, to turn her pain into her purpose, reminds us we're not alone. AND we need each other. Now more than ever.

Hafsa is a mompreneur, photographer and blogger at Happily Hafsa. Her goal is to inspire and motivate fellow moms and help them unlock time through productivity strategies so they can achieve their goals. She loves adventure walks with her kids, catching reruns of The Office and solo trips to Target and Sephora.

In this Episode We Talk About:

How to change the conversation about women + their bodies The power of Instagram Stories for building an audience as a micro-influencer How Hafsa garnered over 1800 views + 350 DM's with her first IG LIVE Why vulnerability, transparency, and shared experiences go viral What to do when family members cross your boundaries Why we're more disconnected now despite being more "connected" How to be a good neighbor online and offline; remembering life is short Why grit without THIS will kill your creative stamina and momentum How to know when to give up versus when to take a step back The #1 question to ask yourself before taking on a new creative venture Why some creative entrepreneurs focus + follow through but others don't Hafsa's best advice if you're trying to choose what to do and where to go One sneaky habit to look out for when you feel like you've reached your capacity Plus ... Why we're more alike than we are different + the hope that's all around

Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.

Mentioned in this Podcast:

Follow Hafsa: Website , Instagram Past Episodes: Ep 030 "How Committed Are You? (Test Your Grit in 8 Reflections) Look For Upcoming Episode Topics: How to Launch a Podcast, The 8 Triggers of Flow,  Should You Join a Mastermind or Hire a Coach? The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO LIVE LA + VIRTUAL EXPERIENCES


This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!

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