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There are dreams, and then there are the dreams that really make us sit up and take notice. Dreams where we have conversations with departed loved ones. Dreams where we can control the action and are aware of what we’re doing while we’re sleeping. And while they’re not exactly dreams, out of body experiences are another real phenomenon that can transform the way we view and experience our waking life.
We take a look at these dreams and more with one of my favorite dream researchers, Robert Hoss, who has devoted his life into exploring all facets of what happens after we fall asleep at night. Bob is a Director and Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, is an award-winning author and teacher and is the Director of the IASD’s Annual Conference. In this free-wheeling interview, Bob explains:
•what happens in visitation dreams
•the beauty of psychopompic dreams
•how dreams give us a glimpse of heaven
•the dreams that help us grieve
•what out of body experiences tell us about our consciousness
•why he loves lucid dreaming
•and get a preview of this summer’s IASD Conference
If you’re ready to up your dreaming experiences to a new level, you won’t want to miss this spirited episode of Dream Power Radio.
Robert Hoss, MS a Director and Past President of IASD; IASD Conference Director, directs the IASD/DSF (DreamScience Foundation) for research Grants; faculty trainer for the Haden Institute; board of the National Institute of Integrative Healthcare. He is: author or managing editor/author of Dream Language (Innersource, 2005-2014), Dream to Freedom (EP Press, 2013); Dreams that Change Our Lives (Chiron, 2017) and Dreams: Understanding Biology, Psychology and Culture (Greenwood, 2019); a chapter author in eight other books including Working with Dreams and PTSD Nightmares (Praeger, 2016) and the Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams (Praeger, 2012); and is published in three professional journals. A frequent guest on radio and TV, he was host of the IASD DreamTime Radio series and has been an internationally acclaimed lecturer and/or instructor on dreams and dreamwork at various institutions, colleges and universities for over 40 years. He holds a Master of Science degree and has training and/or experience in Gestalt Therapy and various humanistic and contemporary dreamworking approaches. He was also a former scientist, and applied researcher, with four patents and a global corporate executive at both American Express and IBM. He retired early, however, to devote his science and management skills to dream studies. His Transformative Dreamwork protocol is based on a unique blending of research and psychology: Gestalt work, Jungian theory and practice, the neurobiology of dreaming, plus his research into the significance of color in dreams. His work has been featured in a PBS Dreamtime special, Readers Digest, Prevention Magazine and USA Today. The author can be reached at [email protected]


For information on this year's International Association For The Study of Dreams Conference, go to

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