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Are you one of those people who says no when your heart is telling you to say yes? Or the kind of person who makes self-deprecating remarks when someone pays you a compliment? Or perhaps someone who has a deep dream inside her and is reluctant to take action on it?
My guest on this episode of Dream Power Radio, Life Mastery Coach Donna Tashjian believes that we are all meant for greatness. She has made it her mission to help women realize this through her company Vibrant Living International, where she encourages them to rise above their painful pasts to live the life of their dreams. In this engaging episode, Donna tells us:
•why she believes you are designed for greatness
•how to determine what greatness looks like for you
•what it means to turn your baggage into luggage
•what keeps women small and how to overcome it
•her four steps to achieve Vibrant Living
•her ‘fear formula’
Don’t wait another day to embrace your greatness. Check out a path that might be right for you by listening to this powerful episode of Dream Power Radio.
Donna is the founder of Vibrant Living International a non-profit organization that helps people live their fullest potential by helping bring accelerated transformation to people across the world. Her passion is to help you reach your full potential. Donna has been speaking and coaching for over 25 years. She has developed powerful programs to help women rise above a painful past so they can live the life of their dreams. Her clients have said, “She will help you walk away from overwhelm, stress and self-doubt into peace and confidence, like a refreshing vacation for your body & soul.”
She also produces a podcast is called “You Were Designed for Greatness” and has written 4 books, including An Umbrella on a Sunny Day. She has been a speaker to organizations, churches, and a coach and mentor to individuals since 1990. Her clients say she has a knack for turning fear into excitement and exposing lies so the truth can shine through.
Website: https://www.ivibrantliving.com/

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