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Think about the words mental illness. Now close your eyes. What do you see? Chances are, whatever it is, I’ll bet the image is negative.

As a society we put a stigma on mental illness, as if those who are afflicted are somehow “less than”. But that’s a false view and a stereotype that’s being fought by my guest on this episode of Dream Power Radio.

Neesa Sunar was on her way to a career as a professional classical musician when she was diagnosed with a schizophrenic disorder. Rather that let this disease define who she is, she fought back and now helps others suffering with mental illness in her role as a peer specialist. She also writes extensively on the subject and hosts a Facebook forum dealing with mental health issues. In our discussion, Neesa reveals:
• How her diagnosis affected her
• How she helps others on a day to day basis
• Why there is a need for more attention and funding for mental health programs

Over 44 million Americans experience a mental disturbance in any given year and one out of ten live with a chronic serious mental condition. If you want a better understanding of how this affects all of us, don’t miss this important episode of Dream Power Radio.

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