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I’ve been told that the best hunters are the ones that study and follow the tracks of their prey. They become so familiar with their movements that they can put themselves in the right place at the right time to make a successful catch.
Dream expert Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer believes the same could be said about dreams. She maintains there are patterns in our dreams and that by tracking them carefully over time, we can reap the insights they give us. In her new book, DreamTracking: Track Your Dreams and Transform Your Life, she provides a pathway to help you understand the language of your dreams, gain greater insight into their meaning, and live a more authentic life. On this episode of Dream Power Radio, Bambi explains how Dream Tracking works and tells us:
•can you DreamTrack a single dream?
•what are the best questions to ask about your dream
•what trees have to do with DreamTracking
•the difference between DreamTracking and recurring dreams
•what dream tending means
•the best way to honor a dream
•how DreamTracking can be used to understand nightmares
If you’re looking to glean new insights into your dreams, don’t miss this compelling episode of Dream Power Radio.
Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer’s passion and exploration of dreamwork spans more than forty years, and she has journaled over eight thousand of her own dreams. Working with her dreams for so many years has given her tremendous insight into every aspect of her life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Knowing the immense guidance and wisdom available through dreamwork, she is committed to teaching others how to work with and understand their dreams for personal transformation and growth. By bringing conscious awareness to their dreams, people can live more passionate, purposeful, and authentic lives.
Bambi serves on the Southern California Regional Committee of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. She was a review editor for the Dream Network Journal for nine years and is a Law of Attraction certified coach through the Quantum Success Coaching Academy. In addition, she is a contributing author to the book 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career. She is an avid lover of animals and nature and advocates for their well-being, survival, and conservation. Bambi lives in southern California with her husband, Bill.
Please visit Bambi’s website at www.BambiCorso.com.

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