We were brainstorming holiday gift ideas as a family earlier this month.  We had our laptops open searching through the countless articles detailing the Top 10 Gift ideas for this holiday season.  We didn’t find anything too exciting, so we decided to do a thought experiment.  All you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of the recipient, and ask: What experience can you facilitate that would bring the most joy to that person?  But really get creative and design an experience that will be memorable and cherished for many years to come.  This is a great way to teach kids about gifting because it’s not like kids have a lot of money to spend on gifts, yet alone a way to drive and go shopping.  In this episode, Eva shares what she came up with as incredible gifts for her sister Sophia and for us, her parents.  It’s a great episode for kids to hear this holiday season and of course this thought experiment is equally applicable for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because!    For our show notes, visit DreamBigPodcast.com/283