I am beyond excited to be relaunching the podcast and welcoming guests back on to share deep and meaningful, below the surface conversations.

We're setting the tone with a conversation with the delectable Sharon Walters. Sharon is an artist, museum educator, mother of two and wife, living and working in London.

She has been working on her ‘Seeing Ourselves’ collage series for the last two years and has been sober for the past year. She graduated from Central St Martins University of the Arts in London in 2011 with a BA in Fine Art, holds a Post Graduate Teaching and Learning Certificate in post-16 citizenship education, and a BA in social science.

Since January 2018 Sharon has been working on a mixed media collage series entitled ‘Seeing Ourselves’, now with over 250 pieces in the collection she has exhibited with a number of galleries.

In this conversation we talk about life as a creative, being a black woman in this space, growing up not seeing ourselves, social media and the medley that is life and business.

Find out more about Sharon here - https://www.londonartist1.com/ and follow her on Instagram here - https://www.instagram.com/london_artist1/

Come and say hello to me on Instagram here - https://www.instagram.com/alifemoreinspired/

Thank-you to our podcast sponsor Visit Health https://visithealth.london/

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