Paul lets us know that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ.

Christ died for those who love Him and await His return.

We no longer walk in the flesh, or obey the things of the flesh.

Our mindset in on the things of the Spirit.

We have the Spirit of the living God dwelling in our bodies as believers in Christ.

So, we have no more obligation to the things of our flesh. We are over comers.

This suffering that will happen to us, is not to be compared with the hope we have in Christ, we have victory in Christ.

Nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Music for the album, So Far As I Know are: 

Sergei Guselnikov - guitars,programming 

Dmitry Ilyasov - guitars 

Dmitry Shelomentsev - drums 

Victor Korkin - bass 

Daria Shakhova - violin