Follow U.S. capitalization and punctuation rules. Do not use U.K. style. For “quotation marks” follow these rules: 1. Commas and periods always go within the quotation marks for all copy. [wc_fa icon=”check” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa] GarantiBank received the EU Award for the “Best Bank in Turkey.” [wc_fa icon=”times” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa] GarantiBank received the EU Award for the “Best Bank in Turkey”. [wc_fa icon=”check” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa] “Carefree,” in general, means “free from care or anxiety.” [wc_fa icon=”times” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa] “Carefree”, in general, […]

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