Dr Diana Anderson is an Internal Medicine physician and trained Architect. Having the unique opportunity to view the healthcare environment though the lens' of being both a physician and architect provides an incredible viewpoint on the world of healthcare. Dr Anderson is the founder of the website, Dochitect.com, where the worlds of medicine and design collide. 

Dr Andersons work is truly emblematic for everything this show represents in so far as it illustrates how physicians can add value in healthcare in a variety of ways. 

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Selected Show Notes:

Dr Diana Anderson - Dochitect

Evidenced Based Design

Effects of Healthcare Environmental Design on Medical Outcomes - Roger Ulrich

Fall Prevention Design Analysis

Tribe: On Homecoming & Belonging by Sebastian Junger

The Salk Institute, San Diego, California

Its Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden

Twitter: @Dochitect