Dr Erin Martin is a Primary Care physician with specialist interests in Integrative and Functional Medicine. She is the founder of the TrueMed Institute in Hood River, Oregon and was thrust into the healthcare spotlight with her role in the award winning documentary 'Escape Fire', which has been described by some as the 'Inconvenient Truth' of Healthcare. 

I have wanted to have Erin on the show for quite some time after seeing the documentary, Escape Fire, and in the interview we deep dive into how identifying ourselves so much as physicians can have its draw backs and how to really recognize what it is you want out of your life as a physician. 

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Selected Show Notes:

Dr Erin Martin

TrueMed Institute

In Pursuit Of Amazing

Escape Fire Documentary

The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle Laporte

Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

Twitter: @DrErinMartin