Dr Dike Drummond is a Mayo trained Family Practice Physician who now specializes in physician burnout. The founder of TheHappyMD.com and author 'Stop Physician Burnout' he has come face to face with the realities of burnout as a physician on two separate occasions himself. He understands the complexities of physician burnout and how the one suffering burnout is often the last to know. Dr Drummond has coached thousands of physicians through the challenging times of burnout and speaks regularly across the globe to healthcare institutions in need of guidance on addressing this ever growing problem.

In this episode we discuss how burnout manifests in physicians, how men and women differ in their display of symptoms and most importantly we discuss the steps to addressing burnout. This discussion was one of the most eye opening conversations on burnout I have had and explained so much of why we feel the way we do in times of stress.

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Selected Show Notes:



Stop Physician Burnout by Dike Drummond

Burnout Prevention MATRIX by Dike Drummond

Twitter: @DikeDrummond