This week, we're joined by Marsha Joiner, host of the Blog Talk Radio show, Betrayed by Hospice, and former Board Member of the Hospice Patients Alliance.  Marsha joins us to discuss how hospice went from being a way for people who are actively dying to die with minimum pain and with dignity to a profit-making business, causing people who are not necessarily in that category are convinced to enter into their care and where patients are often given one-size fits all drugs.   Marsha lost her own precious Mom by trusting hospice, where she was told they would do no harm but the worst harm imaginable killed her Mom.  This experience led her to advocate for the elderly and made it her focus to warn others about the danger of trusting without verifying. In addition, to her podcast, Marsha has a facebook group, Murdered by Hospice, that gives victims' families a safe place to share their tragedies and ask questions.  Marsha's goal is to inform the public, so that more informed decisions can be made without falling pray to manipulation.