We have an interesting and important topic. We are discussing how to use Pain Neuroscience Education to treat PTSD and chronic pain in soldiers and veterans. My expert guest is Major Timothy Benedict. He is a physical therapist assigned to the Army Public Health Center in Aberdeen, Maryland. He's the Deputy Chief for the Advanced Analytics and Data Stewardship Division, the Clinical Public Health and Epidemiology Directorate, and assists with field investigations for the Injury Prevention Program. As part of Major Benedict's Ph.D. studies, he developed a military-specific Pain Neuroscience Education Intervention for soldiers and veterans. He also completed a randomized controlled trial examining Pain Neuroscience Education for soldiers with chronic low-back pain and post-traumatic stress.

On this episode, you'll learn all about the link between post-traumatic stress and chronic pain, how to explain the link between PTSD and pain to your patients, the evidence supporting Pain Neuroscience Education for individuals with pain and PTSD, how understanding the neuroscience of pain can help you build compassion and empathy for your patients and how this research applies to civilians such as firemen and police officers. If you've been following along with the show, you know that I often ask our guests to provide some type of free download, a quick PDF cheat-sheet or maybe something you can use in the clinic. Major Benedict has gone above and beyond any guest that's ever appeared on the show. He has provided you with a complete 44-page treatment manual on how to use Pain Neuroscience Education with soldiers and veterans.

This manual is complete with full-color illustrations, metaphors and language that is specific for this population. If you're a practitioner and you're someone who uses Pain Neuroscience Education with this particular population of clients or patients like soldiers, veterans, military, police or anyone in that realm, you're going to love getting your hands on this. It's free for you to download. All you have to do is text the word, “170 DOWNLOAD,” to the number 44222 or you can open up a new browser on your computer and you can type in the URL www.IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/170download and I'll send it right to your inbox for free. Let's begin with Major Timothy Benedict and learn about Pain Neuroscience Approach to treat PTSD and pain.


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