We are exploring how to explain central sensitization to patients using pain neuroscience education with physiotherapist, Eva Huysmans. Eva graduated with a Master's Degree in Physiotherapy and is in the middle of her PhD work. She is working on a randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of perioperative pain neuroscience education for patients undergoing surgery for lumbar radiculopathy. To date, Eva has co-authored over twenty peer-reviewed publications and a manual on pain neuroscience education for the clinician. Next to her research activities, she's working as a physiotherapist in the University Hospital in Brussels, where she helps people cope with chronic pain. During this episode, you'll learn how to recognize central sensitization in clinical practice.

How do you objectively evaluate central sensitization? Why are people with central sensitization not the only ones who need pain neuroscience education? All about the introduced term, nociplastic pain. Finally, where does pain neuroscience education fit into a treatment program and how should it be delivered? She has created manuals for clinicians to use pain neuroscience education. As part of this episode, she is providing you with a free download of a pain neuroscience education slide deck that you can use with your patients. To download this slide deck for free, all you have to do is text the word, 169DOWNLOAD, to the number, 44222 or IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/169Download. Let's learn all about central sensitization with Eva Huysmans.


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