What's going on in your mouth? Today we're talking oral health! How do you measure your dental and oral microbiome? When there is unwanted bacteria in your mouth it can drive up inflammation in your body, increasing the risk of chronic disease.


To help us unpack this important topic, Dr. Jockers has invited Danny Grannick, CEO of Bristle Health, a company that has developed the world's first microbiome test to give you insights into your oral health. This is a personalized and preventative approach to oral health that is an absolute game changer. 


In this episode, Dr. Jockers discusses the results of his oral microbiome test - fascinating stuff! There's also an overview of the bacteria in our mouth, and how our mouth microbiome is similar to that in our gut. 


Is high diversity in your mouth actually a good thing? What are the links between gut and gum inflammation? Are lots of dentists still putting toxic chemicals in our mouths when we get fillings? Are electric toothbrushes better than manual ones? 


Learn what's going on in your mouth in this innovative episode of Functional Nutrition that is as healthy for you as flossing your teeth! Please join us.


In This Episode:


Introduction to Bristle Health and Danny Grannick 

Why is the oral microbiome so important?

What are the similarities between the oral and gut microbiome?

What are some of the major bacteria in our mouth?

Beware P. gingivalis, one of the key drivers of periodontal disease

Dr. Jockers shares his bristle score

What is nitric oxide for? 

Understanding bad breath

What are the links between gut and gum inflammation?

What is campylobacter?

The Bristle Health Care Plan 

Are there holistic dentists providing better, less toxic solutions? 

How to get started with Bristle Health

What are the best strategies for improving your oral microbiome? 

What are some of the probiotics that benefit the oral microbiome?

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I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity. 


My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!


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Today’s Episode is brought to you by Paleovalley’s Organ Complex, my favorite way to get a full spectrum of traditional superfoods, loaded with nutrients, into your body faster, easier, and without having to tolerate the taste (or cooking for that matter).  

Here's the part you'll love, especially if you understand the importance of eating these nutrient-dense organ meats… Grass Fed Organ Complex contains not one but three organs from healthy, 100% grass-fed, pasture-raised cows so you are getting a more diverse array of nutrients.  Right now, you can get 15% off Organ Complex using the code "JOCKERS" or by clicking here: Paleovalley.com/jockers


“The oral microbiome is the makeup of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Specifically, we look at those microbes in the context of your mouth."

- Danny Grannick


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Get 10% off by using the code DRJOCKERS when you visit https://bristlehealth.com

Shop Carbon 60 - Use the coupon code "JOCKERS" for 15% OFF your first order in all their products!



Connect with Danny Grannick:

Website - https://www.bristlehealth.com/

Connect with Dr. Jockers:

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/drjockers/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/DrDavidJockers

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/djockers

Website – https://drjockers.com/

If you are interested in being a guest on the show, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us here! - https://drjockers.com/join-us-dr-jockers-functional-nutrition-podcast/