I had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Mario Jackson about the empowerment of Thought Work. He is a Higher Education Consultant who is the CEO of Jackson Educational Consulting Group, LLC and his area of expertise is teaching  higher education institutions how to integrate the concept of Thought Work into their faculty and staff development initiatives. 
In this discussion, Dr. Mario talks with us about how to apply Thought Work to working with our students in our capacity of School Counselors.

For more information on Thought Work, check out these resources:
100% Awesome Podcast by  April Price 

Episode 20: 6 Things You Might Not Know about Thought Work-https://open.spotify.com/show/5nrTL1wW1Gd7JaBmdAoICJ?si=_X1_fbomRxuhtjkC-YYwag 

Dr. Mario's blog- www.officehoursdrmario.com