Dr. Jaime Seeman shares how she bounced back to health, fitness, and well-being after being diagnosed with pre-diabetes during her third pregnancy.
She only makes recommendations to her patients if she hasn't tried it first and seen success with it.
We need to make time to optimize our health. Start with nutrition because many ailments stem from poor nutrition.
The importance of getting your family aligned with your goal.
Educate your kids early on about nutrition to empower them to make food choices based on how it makes them feel and how it fuels their body.
She shares how to take control over helping your body heal itself.
She understands we experience greater success when we simplify things. The only diet that will work for you is the one you will actually follow.
She found a sustainable way to optimize her health.

Actionable Steps:

Eliminate sugar and flours. Any crushed grain wreaks havoc on blood sugars.
Move your body. Find a daily pattern, even small things like taking stairs and parking further away. Start exercising where you are sweaty, exerting effort, and increasing heart rate.
Look into your family health history and educate yourself in what you can do now to prevent or reduce your risk of these diseases.