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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 230 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If it feels like the whole world around you is falling apart and things that you think, say, do are leading you absolutely nowhere, my suggestion is to reclaim your life. Your life was given to you with tremendous amount of energy, the power to do whatever you wish without any hesitation or stumbling blocks that you could not overcome at any given time.

You can adjust your attitude and get rid of all ambiguities. Analyze your situation, awaken within yourself the passion that lies deep, down inside of you. You can then catapult your goals, brighten your future, maximize your capabilities, challenge your dreams, electrify your day – all of this while nurturing your passion of being alive. Make sure that you reinforce your belief in who you are and what you do. Always recognize your strength and appreciate who you are and what you have.

If you are not sure, take a step back and replenish your enthusiasm. Knowing that you have been endowed with all the power and all the things that you need to live a life of joy, of strength, of achievement. Then, you can revise your dreams, revise your goals, and arise to the occasion— it’s all within you. There’s nothing there to stop you except the fear of the unknown.

Why should you worry about that? Why would that be an issue?

Be the person that you want to be. Live the life that you were given to the fullest extent.

Reclaim your life and make the best of it. You don’t have a lot of time, none of us do. But the time we are given is enough to make a difference for ourselves, those around us, and the whole universe.

So be dynamic, be different, and demand honesty. Share gracefully the kindness and the beauty that you have within you, with everyone. Achieve with confidence and aspire to goodness.

You can do it because I have done it in my own life, and as you know, I would never ask you to do something I have not done myself.

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