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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 725 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
People often wonder what a parent should be. How can we teach a parent? How do we become a parent? What should a parent learn, and where should a parent get their information to become a parent?
The truth is, there isn’t any book out there that you can read that can make you a parent. To be a parent means living by example. It is who you are. By being a good person, by being kind and giving, by being understanding and always loving, then you will be a good parent.
Parenting is not a trick. It’s not a concept or something that you learn as a technique or procedure. It’s not a program, and it’s certainly not a classroom that you set up in your home to show your children who you are.
Parenting is the living example of the person that you wish to be and who you strive to be every day. It’s greater than life. It’s your being, it’s you inside. It’s a gracious and loving human being who wants to give at all times, unconditionally. You live by this example, not just to the children, but to the world as well.
One of the beautiful things about being a parent, one of the concepts that you can teach your children, is about giving, sharing, and being charitable. When you have guests, show them that you care for them as though they are part of your family. Treat everyone with a certain amount of beauty, and honor, in a distinguished way. Treat everyone that way, and be forgiving and gracious. Be gentle and tolerant of everybody and everything around you, and you will be a good parent. That’s what parenting is.
Parenting is not an ideology, a chapter in your life, or a course you take. Parenting is the way you live your life every day. This, in turn, will teach your children how to become good parents. They themselves will learn from you, and your example, as they were grow up. They will teach these things to their own children, and so on, and so forth.
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